2183 アンティーク 夏用 絽 小紋 Antique Ro Komon Kimono for summer
中古品、表AA、裏 AA、背中にある白の点は染料飛び、白い花の上にシミが多数ありますが、着用では目立たない程度です。
着丈…146cm 身長142cm〜152cm位の方まで綺麗に着ていただけます。
裄丈… 62cm
袖幅… 32,5cm
前幅… 23cm
後幅… 29cm ヒップサイズ89〜94cmくらいまでの方用です。
#アンティーク#訪問着 #付け下げ #留袖 #小紋 #結婚式 #七五三 #お宮参り #入学式 #卒業式
This is an antique komon in indigo with a floral pattern in "ro" silk.
It is a Taisho-roman kimono from about 1900-1930, with a modern larger pattern influenced by Art Deco.
The material is silk.
It can be worn for a wide range of ages.
There are some stains, but not enough to be noticeable with wear.
Length 57.5in
Shoulder width and sleeve width 24.4in
Sleeve length 22in
Sleeve width 12.7in
Front width 9in
Back width 11.4in
The length from the sleeve to the sleeve and the length of the dress are short, but please enjoy the antique quality as a fashion item.
This is a used item and may have a few stains.
The color may differ slightly from the actual item.
#Houmongi #Tsukesage #Tomesode #Komon #Wedding #Shichigosan #omiyamairi #Entrance ceremony #Graduation ceremony #Pure silk #antique
Type of Kimono---Komon Kimono
中古品、表AA、裏 AA、背中にある白の点は染料飛び、白い花の上にシミが多数ありますが、着用では目立たない程度です。
着丈…146cm 身長142cm〜152cm位の方まで綺麗に着ていただけます。
裄丈… 62cm
袖幅… 32,5cm
前幅… 23cm
後幅… 29cm ヒップサイズ89〜94cmくらいまでの方用です。
#アンティーク#訪問着 #付け下げ #留袖 #小紋 #結婚式 #七五三 #お宮参り #入学式 #卒業式
This is an antique komon in indigo with a floral pattern in "ro" silk.
It is a Taisho-roman kimono from about 1900-1930, with a modern larger pattern influenced by Art Deco.
The material is silk.
It can be worn for a wide range of ages.
There are some stains, but not enough to be noticeable with wear.
Length 57.5in
Shoulder width and sleeve width 24.4in
Sleeve length 22in
Sleeve width 12.7in
Front width 9in
Back width 11.4in
The length from the sleeve to the sleeve and the length of the dress are short, but please enjoy the antique quality as a fashion item.
This is a used item and may have a few stains.
The color may differ slightly from the actual item.
#Houmongi #Tsukesage #Tomesode #Komon #Wedding #Shichigosan #omiyamairi #Entrance ceremony #Graduation ceremony #Pure silk #antique
Type of Kimono---Komon Kimono
